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Teruhisa Yamamoto

Teruhisa Yamamoto

Software Developer / Father / Enthusiast of fishing and beer

Let's say Hi, in Tokyo or Discord.

What's your dev style?

Technology and education are my concerns of life

Hi, I'm a software developer

After graduating master degree, I've been working as a software developer, especially in web. My motivation is based on the desire to accomplish more with less skill. Do you use JavaScript? It really fits me. It not only build web apps but also desktop apps and mobile apps in wide categories. My skill stacks are fixed by React and Expo(React Native) recently.

Hi, I'm a father of two sons

In this age, there are lot of information which are a wide range of prices. Those make you happy or unhappy. YouTube can make you better or worse. Parent's actions lead to children's happiness. We have many opportunities to educate children in our daily lives. Not only schools.

Throw away your rotten pride!

We should learn from others

New technologies and talented younger people appear in front of you suddenly. What attitude will you take in such a case? As you age, we become more experienced, for better or worse. It is difficult to accept unknown things sometimes because of our stale experiences. Don't be afraid to learn from the unknown. We have to evolve step by step in life.

Call me what you want and feel free to say "Hi"

My name is...

I'm a Japanese who grew up in Kumamoto. When I was at childhood, I had been called “Teru”. In Japan, almost people use family name to call each other. So almost friends call me “Yamamoto”. If you're from a oversea country, you'd call me using my first name instead of "Yamamoto". But let's say Teruhisa or Yamamoto. Which one does your tongue prefer?